After an extended vacation.. Albatross18 servers were finally taken over by NtreevUSA! Plus, Pangya Nation is now back in action to give friendly viewers just a little more insight as to whats new to Pangya. I want to apologize for not posting for a while about the other Pangyas, however this is because I have been someone mad at the game,  as well as studying for exams. I hope you all will continue to visit Pangya Nation again now that it's is back. Anyways, Pangya is currently in Open Beta, but will be opened officially sometime soon. Rumor has it that the GMs will do another pang reset back to 3k once beta is over. With the prices already reaching Albatross's level and the scamming of rares, I believe this is in Ntreev's best interest. I hope everyone was able to transfer their accounts to Ntreev and are having a good time in Pangya's new home. Enjoy the game and see you on the Greens!

5/4/2009 01:22:07 pm

Aww yay wb Rain <3
Glad to see your going to continue your website. It's still cute as ever!! I hope they do a pang reset considering I only have 5k :p

have a nice day and good luck :)

5/4/2009 10:23:42 pm

hey rain!! awesome that your starting the site back up again. i will try to check it often. hope to see you in the game.

5/5/2009 02:09:07 pm

Yay! pangya nation is back! and i am soooo glad ntreev was able to pick up alba and transfer all the accounts. I'll be checking in for updates! Thankies~

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