Arin-age 20

Coming from a prestigious family of wizards and mages, Arin has sorcery and magic in her blood. She graduated top of her class from WizWiz - the top school for magic in all the realms of Pangya. This honor has made her extremely popular on her native island, and coupled with her kind heart and stunning beauty, Arin is known as the most eligible bachelorette on Pangya Island. One day, while visitin a local Albatross18 tournament, Arin saw Max and instantly fell head over heels for him. It truly was love at first sight. And despite how shy she gets anytime Max is near, Arin has a penchant for showing off her magic skills and actually plays her best Albatross18 games when many people are watching. She dedicated herself to practicing Albatross18 in the hopes to impress Max. This dedication has paid off, and Arin is now known for her amazing accuracy and finely balanced game.

Azer-age 41

This short-tempered ex-cop received his invitation to compete in the Albatross18 tournament from the Cross Chronos fairy Lolo. Although he has only been playing in PangYa for 3 months, he has a great passion for the game and works hard to continually improve his skills. Because of his quick-temper, Uncle Bob may demonstrate some behavior that most would not consider the most sportsmanlike. But all in all, he is a good man who can pack a wallop behind his shot. He also has great ability to put spin on the ball.

Cecilia-age 27

The first officer of Pangya Island's naval fleet, as well as the captain of the naval battleship Silvia. She is in search for anyone to recruit to the Navy and to take down Kooh. Even though she practices Pangya for eight months, her skills is like no other against her crew. Unfortuntely, her perfectionate personality and her overcalculation doesn't give it all she got.

Hana-age 14

Quma, another member of the Cross Chronos Clan, invited Hana to the island of PangYa because of her great talents in ball control. She is composed at all times and is a very steady player known for her ability to curve her shot. Hana lacks power but more than makes up for this with her great focus and calm play, making her an extremely competent adversary

Kaz-age 18

In the darkest corner of Pangya Island there resides a cursed clan known only as Ru. Masters of the sword and black magic, the Ru have always kept an alliance to the dark arts. Strongest of all Ru is the boy who casts the darkest shadow. With each step, all he touches becomes enshrouded in his dark soul. This boy is Kaz. And according to island lore, Kaz is the successor to the Demon King. Heroes would recount of a boy who the Demon King boasted as the one who would reign next, promising to bring a new dynasty of evil to Pangya Island. However, Kaz's eyes are full of a sadness for a lost memory, not of the dark evil seemingly destined for him... For it was one year ago, on the eve of Kaz's inheritance to the throne of evil, did his sweetheart, Karin, sacrifice her life for him. To keep Kaz from being consumed by the Demon King's evil soul, Karin gave her life to save him. This traumatic event was repressed deep inside Kaz, making him lose his memory, and only leaving irrepressible grief. Now, Karin's spirit embraces and follows Kaz, keeping constant watch over her past love. She helps to provide the strength he needs to push forward. The Albatross18 tournament is the very place he he now knows where he can find the clues he needs... the clues to recover his lost memory.

Kooh-age 11

Kooh is a young and stubborn pirate and as the captain of the famous ship, Lunar Tomb, she has traveled to many exotic places. She may be young, but she has a great sense of control and power. Kooh is in search for her father who has been missing for some time now. He has vanished since his fight with the Demon King. Most people were convinced that Kooh`s father went to the Demon King willingly, and the crew now believes that they were betrayed. That is when she took over and led the people to the Realms of Pangya and set up camp in Libera. This was the destination her father set forth before the horrid battle with the Demon King. Kooh is in search for her father to reveal the truth, but his memory will always remain within his cannon that Kooh brings with her.

Lucia-age 17

A pop idol singer of Pangya. She has many fans all over the world. Other than singing, her favorite hobby is collecting jewelry. After hearing treasures were found on the island, she went to the tournament to find the rarest gem.

Max-age 23

Max is a professional tennis player from Britain. Losing his parents at a very young age, he was left with nowhere to go and no one to turn to. Tennis helped get his mind off things, however his real childhood dream was to become a fighter pilot. While trying to pursue his dream, he flew into a bad storm that ended in a terrible plane crash. Max woke up the next day on Pangya Island when the Chronos Clan found him washed up on the shore. Max has decided to enter the Albatross18 tournament after discovering that the Silvia Battleship’s captain, Cecilia, will be there - giving Max the perfect chance to pursue his fighter pilot aspirations…

Nuri-age 15

Although Scout has only been playing golf for a year, he possesses strong fundamentals and an uncanny love for the game. He was invited to the Realms of Pangya by Pipin, a Cross Chronos Clan member from the island of Pangya. Pipin invited Scout because she recognized his love for the game and desire to constantly improve. Scout has an optimistic personality and is extremely patient, opting for safe plays over very aggressive ones. He has excellent basic skills and great club control, but lacks power and distance.