Pink Wind

Pink Wind is a beautiful spring course released in Korea for a special event. Overall the course is just like Ice Cannon and Shining Sand, brightly colored and moderately easy to play. The putting greens are overall flat and feel no harder than on Sepia Wind. There are not many overdrive chances.

Ice Spa

The bitter cold winter has come to the Northern most part of Pangya Island. The weather reports suggest that this winter have record-breaking low temperatures. The people of Maga Valley aren't worried, because a hot spring resort has recently opened. Ice Spa is offering free admission for the participants of Pangya Competition. Penguins already heard the news and made themselves at home. Come join them!

Blue Lagoon

This simple, tropical-themed course is designed for beginners. The course is mostly surrounded by water and sand, but wide fairways, easy pin placements and a low amount of obstacles make it fairly easy for novices to play. Some risky shortcuts are available for the more experienced players to take.

West Wiz

Don't be fooled by how similar it looks to Wiz Wiz, West Wiz is far easier for the rookie player to play. Most tee shots are onto downward facing slopes, enabling the ball to roll overdrive of 50+ yards on a high number of the holes. Some of the treacherous chasms still remain from Wiz Wiz, however in all cases they are optional and provide more distance/overdrive if successfully crossed. Like Wiz Wiz, West Wiz possesses no real unique features.

Lost Seaway

There once was a seaway that held the epic battle between the Demon King and the hero who shall remain nameless.This seaway in the sky had Giant Booster Gates that allowed ships to travel across Pangya Island. This seaway became a popular place to prove bravery more than anything. Pirates and sailors gathered here seeking thrilling rides rather than smooth sailing. This soon created a graveyard of wrecked ships.This forgotten Seaway will no longer be forgotten!

Shining Sand

Shining Sand is a desert-themed golf course. The course has special "bouncers" on some holes which launch the ball in a certain direction. Proper use of these can result in a low score, though the player needs to remember that they are one-way aids, and shooting the ball into the wrong way can result in a nasty surprise.

Ice Cannon

Ice Cannon is a slightly easier version of SilVia Cannon that takes place on ice-covered terrain. Due to the ice, balls will bounce higher and roll farther than normal throughout most of the course. Ice cannon has very large overdrive areas, which can result in 300+ pang.

Blue Water

Blue Water follows the same course as Blue Lagoon, except with different pin placements and more obstacles. For example, Hole 6 of Blue Lagoon is a straight Par 3 over a body of water; however, in Blue Water, that same body of water is home to a massive rock formation, making a straight shot all but impossible.

Sepia Wind

Sepia Wind is an autumn-themed course dotted with windmills and trees. Power is required as some drives require length to clear imposing forests and sand traps. Clever players can use the many cart paths to add distance to their drives

White Wiz

White Wiz is a Christmas-themed course, covered in ice and snow. The snowy rough is more punishing than on other courses, meaning more power is needed if you intend on going off the fairway. White Wiz introduces a unique terrain type: ice. Unlike bunkers or rough, ice does not impose a penalty on distance while taking a shot. It does, however, reduce the player's control over the shot. Bouncing the ball off of ice has a similar but more pronounced effect as bouncing off a cart path, enabling high Overdrive possibilities. Although the course is festively themed, the course is always available to play on at any time of the year. White Wiz has an event in which a Santa Claus-like figure will appear over the course, upon completion of the hole each player will receive a gift.

Blue Moon

Blue Moon is another variation of Blue Lagoon, taking place at night rather than day. There are two major differences between Blue Lagoon and Blue Moon, the first one being that the tee and green switch places, and the second being that the holes are played in a different order than Blue Lagoon and Blue Water. Players will also encounter new obstacles and situations that will require planning to safely traverse the course.

Wiz Wiz

Wiz Wiz is set-up high in the mountains. Players will find themselves forced to shoot between cliffs and through windmills much larger than the ones found on Wind Hill. The first few holes are not too taxing, but the later holes can be brutal for people who are unable to consistently perform special shots. It should also be noted that hole 9 on Wiz Wiz provides an obvious use for the underused "Cobra" shot in the game. The back 9 of Wiz Wiz makes it deserving of its three-star ranking. Other than its difficulty, Wiz Wiz has no real unique features to further test the player.

Silvia Cannon

Silvia Cannon is arguably the hardest course in the game, with nasty distances for the player to traverse, and low par requirements. However, the course has several unique features that can either help or hinder the player. The first of these features is that gigantic cannons are located on a majority of the holes. These cannons charge up energy, then fire at some as-yet-unknown target (it is explained on the PangYa website that the cannon is "fired ceremoniously to challenge players"), resulting in the wind direction changing to that of the cannon, along with the wind speed being set to a high value determined by the hole. The second feature is the large fans embedded into the water near a landmass or ship. The fans have a large updraft above them blowing the ball upwards (possibly with the effect of making the ball behave as if its spin had been set to maximum backspin while the ball is traveling above it). If the ball bounces off the fan, it will be launched high into the air, but the direction that the ball travels depends on how the ball lands on the fan, making bouncing off of a fan risky business. Lastly, the course has helicopters stationed along some of the holes. The blades of these act like the embedded fan, except blowing the ball downward instead (possibly as if the ball will act as if it had maximum topspin instead).

Deep Inferno

A world hidden deep beneath Pangya Island...
The powerful heartbeats of an Ancient Black Dragon shake the ground. Even evil creatures go hide when the dragon awakes.
The giant soars through the air and the cursed land turns to darkness as her wings blot out the sun.
The dragon, Concientia, has long awaited the return of her master. Flying over the land she cranes her neck to seek the power that awakened her. Sensing her search, the other evil creatures of Pangya Island begin to search as well. The center of this cursed land is filled with the stench of death. The Inferno awaits its new master of darkness!

Wind Hill

As Blue Lagoon is to Blue Water, Sepia Wind is to Wind Hill. This course is nearly the same as its easier counterpart, though there are certain changes that cause this course to be the bane of most veteran players. Wind Hill adds more windmills and obstructive trees, and other objects have been moved slightly so that a shot that would normally work on Sepia Wind may not work on Wind Hill. The rough is extremely thick, even worse than the snowy rough of White Wiz. The greens are physically harder, making most approach shots bounce higher and subsequently longer. Finally, as a unique feature to the course, wind speed and direction are not consistent during a hole, known as "Wind Tunnels" by players of Albatross18. Even while the ball is in flight, if the ball enters an area with different wind, the new wind will affect the ball. These modifications make Wind Hill a vastly different experience than that of Sepia Wind.