Korea also received their 30th Ecard Scratch rare, the snow sets for the rest of the characters. For those of you who have Korean accounts like us,  let us give you all a short reminder to reload gameguard after each update is complete.
           As for the greedy prices on Albatross18 take a look at the various prices presented in Pangya KR listed in the picture below. Players would never even think about selling for those prices in albatross. I know many albatross players are having a hard time just getting someone to talk about a rare let alone sell one. These 100kk plus items being sold on alba is rediculous. Hopefully the various players without this amount of pang will sooner or later overcome this damage and return alba prices the way they were before the greed. For more information on Pangya KR and Lost Seaway, please visit our new page Korean Adventure, and for more information on Pangya JP pleae visit Keichi's Bunker. Thanks and have a great new Week!

Albatross18 information: collected and discussed by Rain and Pugzy.
KR Pictures: took in-game on Pangya Korea

1/19/2009 01:14:09 pm

YAY Another podcast! Great Job once again Rain and Pugzy! I would have to agree that albatrossers(lol) are being very stingy anymore. Im trying to buy specs for my arin and they are over like 60kk anymore and theres no way I can pay for that. Nice prices in KR though wish I could get kooh halo for 100k lol.
Thanks for the update Ill be looking forward to the next one :)

1/19/2009 01:17:49 pm

another great podcast you two. nice work! thanks again for promoting my site and for the update in kr. im really looking forward to getting more cookies in jp for arin and koohs snow ecard. i see what you mean about alba though an your making a great point and hopefully people will see that selling things for more than 10kk is pretty stupid.

1/19/2009 01:22:26 pm

kitty told me you had other podcast and i had to come before i freaked anymore.
nice job once again you to do very great work. Im liking koohs set its very cute, well everything for kooh is cute ^-^.
thanks for the good update ill be checking that pages.

1/20/2009 12:18:17 am

good job on the podcast and about the greed thing wellll hey i tried to not be greedy lol jk ya ppl are idiots o well but if you cant beat em join em till s4 then u abandon them lmao

1/21/2009 06:51:33 am

cute sets id love to get cecis


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