  Ntreev has finally activated many of Pangya's wonderful features. To being with, they have started an event called Pangya Island Tour. If you play an 18 hole game at all the courses in the game you will receive a season 2 swimsuit. ( Not sure if Arin's is even in the runnings which kind of sucks but its still nice). Good luck playing and have a nice tour!

The bought money currency system is now called points rather than cookies. You can buy points both in-game and on the Pangya website. As well as points, there was another pang reset. All players with over 100k in their account were reduced to 100k and those with less than 100k were not affected. Unfortunately for those of us who did have more than 100k all that pang is lost =(. Anyways, all the old "astro" clothes are back in the shop for points. New to the shop are the Air Knight Club Set and the Golden and Green Earth Comets. Both of these items seen below can only be bought using points.

 Papel shop also has the old items back in it. So far it is believed that the rosies/blushes and the specs are in the shop. I know for a fact the blushes are in the papel shop because I finally got lucky and won Max Blush lol. Have fun with papel shop and yay for the old rares!! That's all for this update have a great weekend!
5/21/2009 04:37:47 am

oh the clubs are nice I got them :) I hope Arin's is in there but no picture =( oh well I am going for Cecilia's swimsuit then!

5/26/2009 01:44:01 am

Well, all the swim suits are in there except for kaz's im still going for cc's mainly because i have arin's, kooh's, hanah's and scout's god i hope i dont get max's!!!

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