
Oh yay Season 4! Yeah it's about time! However when they say Season 4 is coming soon, just how soon is soon? Just to make this exciting announcement even better we have a chance to win Lucia for free June 25th through July 8th! Only thing is you have to what ws it again or yeah.. Play more Holes! You saposevly get a coupon randomly out of a hole, but knowing how Ntreev's drop rates are going, im betting on a rough 2-3 coupons actually being earned. Well it's nice to get Season 4 finally, if only other things about the new US server could be fixed.

Ecards are.. I mean Scratchy Cards are here! I'm not sure about anyone else but the name Scratchy in that just makes it sound ridiculous! I'm not one to get mad at Ntreev, but seriously the only way to get Scratchys is to spend 1k points on something you totally dont want and or use!? Im sorry but OGPlanet's system to get Ecards was cheaper, easier and somewhat affordable(not really). So now Ntreev is going to make those of us who want these items spend bookoo loads of cash just to earn one item that may not even drop?! This is rediculous. On another note.. What the hell! What is with having 3 different items put into one lotto?! That is so stupid! Either have all ears, all SSAF, or all wedding dresses!! I was looking forward to using my points on ecards, but now.. Im sorry Ntreev but unless season 4 is better, your not getting a dime from me!

That's mostly what all of us are saying about the way the US server is being run thus far. Who knows what Ntreev has in store for season 4, but sorry to say they are loosing many players due to lack of responsibility and MAJOR HIGH prices for items. This was a nice update to know that season 4 is coming, but come on seriously?! The Ecard Unveiling is a disaster! Well that's all the input I have for now. Have a good week.
6/25/2009 02:23:46 am

I for one am furiously torked off at Ntreev right now!! If season 4 isn't any better like you said Rain I think I may quit pangyaUS and go to EU probably. I am sick of what Ntreev is doing to its loyal players!

6/25/2009 09:46:07 am

im sorry to say but im glad i play on jp and not us. ntreev seems to be ruining everything that ogp worked hard to make better. i feel sorry for you guys. thanks for the post rainy... i totally agree!

6/25/2009 09:47:11 am

EU FAILS but on another note i dont have a problem with ntreev and thanks rain for the update

Mike aka Vash
6/25/2009 11:18:38 am

LoL, so much for the "drop rate"

ya thats right I said it rain :-D.

just found out about the event like 15 minutes ago. and on the first hole of our 2 person 3 holer.

instant coupon drop.

right infront of your eyes.

6/25/2009 11:34:27 am

Yea i agree w/ u RaiN. I don't like how they are running the scratchy card system and the points are WAYYYY over priced!! u would have to spend 50$ to get a decent outfit for like maybe 2 characters.If prices continue to to sky rocket like this... i will NOT buy any points and ppl are stupid for buying them like crazy! Its soo not worth it!

6/26/2009 05:14:39 am

lol the coupons are easier to get then my exaggerated claim xD but still the prices are ridiculous and their system is blah :S

7/1/2009 01:58:56 am

Yea. I think the prices are outreageous to! Im not buying anything in S4 except for some self design clothing.. I think its rediculous how expensive things are:/ I never see u on pangya RaiN:( Hope i see u when S4 comes out.

7/25/2010 10:52:58 am

I used to love playing Pangya Philippines till the drop rate decreased.

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