Hey guys we finally got the new papel item, Devil and Rainbow feathers! After the long wait with the crowns its nice to see something new. There are both Raind and Devil feathers for all characters in Papel Shop, try your luck and win! The feathers give your a larger pangya bar, similar to the elf ears, but only when the wind is 7-9m. New to Ecard 14th Mr. Ecard Scratch, the Golden Hammer/Medieval set. This set displays a golden golwing pangya sticker.  and gives the stats:Power+10, Control+5, Accuracy+3, Spin+1, Curve+2.

Also in the shops are new clothes and accessories for Arin, Kaz and Kooh. Arin has a magician suit for astros, 2 different style shoes, and hair accessories which change her hair style into a braid. For Kaz are new shoes, and 2 new shirts, a jacket for pang and a waiter vest for astros. Kooh has new autumn themed shoes and gloves, as well as new pink stripe shoes. In the item category is the phoenix sale reduction, every phoenix is marked down 10 astros and except the sakura which is marked down by 5 astros. If you feel like a new ball, or just want some extra pang, nows the time to buy a phoenix! This update altogether was rather nice. Stay checked in with the site for more details on updates, news and events.

11/9/2008 10:46:34 am

OMG I have to get Arins set its so pretty! If only I was lucky i would try for the ecard, but im not =(.
Thanks for the update RAIN!

11/10/2008 09:34:42 am

Sweet I got he clubs! They are sick =p
Thanks for another nice update and hope I can get all the feathers I want.

11/10/2008 09:38:03 am

hi there thanks for another update. if i could buy astros i would get the clubs but no money atm :(

8/10/2010 05:33:46 pm

I need him like I need the air to breathe.

8/25/2010 01:12:12 pm

The poet's voice need not merely be the record of man, it can be one of the props , the pillars to help him endure and prevail. (William Fulkner, American writer)

9/2/2010 12:14:04 pm

I comfort myself like this: although I am in the lowest place, seeing now flowers blossoming, I can always witness the romance when the petals fall down and fly in the wind.

9/19/2010 11:41:19 am

“You don't understand! I could a had class. I could a been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am.” <<On the Waterfront>>

9/23/2010 04:25:15 pm

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1/4/2012 03:26:41 pm

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