Well this is it... OGPlanet finally released information today that they are officially closing Albatross18 servers on March 10th. This game has meant a lot to so many people and it is very sad to see it go. Although for quite some time now it has been obvious it was going to be shut down due to all the pang hacks and then no update for weeks on end. Albatross18 was a great game and hopefully Ntreev will pick it up or at least until another company can. PangyaWorld or PangyaUSA might been seen in our future, but who knows. Seemingly there are many rumors about this going on already, but nothing is certain. What is certain is that Albatross18 will be missed greatly. OGP has made it double experience until March 8th so that we may try their other games. I honestly know that Im veru upset with OGO but its time for all of us to move on either to a different game or a different server. I ill continue to play on GOA and on KR as long as I can and update, but pangya just won't the same without Alba. To all of you out there I wish you the best and hope that one day we will get the chance to play Alba again in the future. Fairwell Albaross18, we will never forget you!

goblinking AKA Corey
2/10/2009 03:43:50 pm

I Love albatross 18 and i wish it would never end but all the br are coming over with there hacks and RUINING IT FOR US ALL!!! they need togo back were they came from but there is nothing we can do i just hope hat some company will save us albatross fans!!! SE ONE PLEASE SAVE US! DONT LET US FALL!!!

sincerly, corey love you laura :)

2/11/2009 05:26:18 am

omg im crying! I will miss albatross sooo much I dont play any other server and I really don't want to. I dont know what Im going to do now im so sad! PLEASE COME BACK ALABTROSS PLEASE!!!!!! I don't want alba to end!!!

2/11/2009 05:45:52 am

=( Albatross18 WHY!
I dont like GOA and I cannot make an account on KR or JP Pangya... Is over for me now!!! Why cant they keep alba!! I blame all the stupid hackers and scammers this is all your fault you stupid idiots!!! Albatross will be missed extremely!!!!!!

WNxSpikers aka Andre
2/11/2009 06:15:57 am

Well this really does suck i remember when i first started this game and how much of a noob i was lol and all the progress i have made i mistakes that i have made the friends the memories the relationships all of it and now after these 2 years of playin alba it closes i can honestly say i am ballin my eyes out cuz of this game and how much i learned and the people i have meet and all the memories we share but all things do come to an end but i would never thought it would happen in alba to me alba has been a home away from home the guild aka my family i just want to say to all my previous guilds if i did rong im sorry and i beg forgivness and i will never forget you and to my guild now i will never leave u guys ever i love you all and hope to see you all in goa or another game
Sincerly WNxSpikers aka Andre (cant stop cryin)


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