We start off the Thanksgiving celebration with patronage to all the heros who risk their lives every day to protect us. We have all new items in the shop. There is a construction worker hat for all the characters. Kooh has a new firefighter outfit, and kaz a naval officer outfit. Arin has 2 new outfits in the shop. A new black maid outfit, and a crimson dress outfit. Cecilia also had a new black rose outfit.  The awesome thing about the new clothes is.. they are all bought using pang, no astros needed!

New to the item shop is the Power Potion, which allows you to shoot 15y further a turn. Safety, allows for phoenixes to not be effected by slopes (except for on the green)  for 1 turn. The auto caliper, which allows you to click and have the exact amount of power you desire. One auto caliper is used per hole. And finally the Alpha Starter Kit comes with all 3 new items. All these new items are bought using astros. Well this was a nice update. Check in on the site for more updates!


The European server got new clothing items in the shop this week. Anna, Alene and Cecilia all received maid outfits for the french café theme. Max got the skull set as well as some goggles for his eyes. Other than these new clothes, nothing new for pangya EU. Stay tune for more updates!


Its Pangya Japan's 4th Anniversary celebration! The celebration event will take place between Nov. 6th- Nov 27th. During this time, whenever you hit a pangya, the 4th Anniversary logo will appear as the pangya sticker. Also going on is a treasure hunt item exchange. If you own the miracle club set, during this time hitting a pangya also creates a sound from those clubs as well as the voice when hitting pangya. Have a Happy Anniversary Pangya Japan!


Hey guys we finally got the new papel item, Devil and Rainbow feathers! After the long wait with the crowns its nice to see something new. There are both Raind and Devil feathers for all characters in Papel Shop, try your luck and win! The feathers give your a larger pangya bar, similar to the elf ears, but only when the wind is 7-9m. New to Ecard 14th Mr. Ecard Scratch, the Golden Hammer/Medieval set. This set displays a golden golwing pangya sticker.  and gives the stats:Power+10, Control+5, Accuracy+3, Spin+1, Curve+2.

Also in the shops are new clothes and accessories for Arin, Kaz and Kooh. Arin has a magician suit for astros, 2 different style shoes, and hair accessories which change her hair style into a braid. For Kaz are new shoes, and 2 new shirts, a jacket for pang and a waiter vest for astros. Kooh has new autumn themed shoes and gloves, as well as new pink stripe shoes. In the item category is the phoenix sale reduction, every phoenix is marked down 10 astros and except the sakura which is marked down by 5 astros. If you feel like a new ball, or just want some extra pang, nows the time to buy a phoenix! This update altogether was rather nice. Stay checked in with the site for more details on updates, news and events.