Japan had a new clothes update today. Both Kaz and Lucia recieved traditional kimonos. Lucia has a purple summer princess kimono and kaz a warrior style kimono. Along with these new clothes were the Snow Flower Set 2 in ecard scratch. The Snow Flower Set 1 is no longer available for scratching. This was a fine update for Japan. For more Pangya JP information please visit Keichis Bunker. Pictures below are of the new sets. Thanks and have a great weekend everyone!


Pangya EU finally released Season 3 Revolution Open Beta today. EU is set up the same format as Albatross18's season 3. Introduced with the new season was Kaz, Deep Inferno, Public Squares, and the New Shop and Closet. The psquares are full of life already with players from all servers selling their rare items for pang.  The prices are set between that of Albatross18's and Pangya KR's. The ecard system and guild system are not fully patched into EU's season 3 but as GOA says they will be eventually. Since this is just Open Beta, the repatching and fixing of bugs will take place to fully open the servers within the next few weeks. Have a great time EU players and enjoy all the new aspects of Season 3 Revolution!


           Korea also received their 30th Ecard Scratch rare, the snow sets for the rest of the characters. For those of you who have Korean accounts like us,  let us give you all a short reminder to reload gameguard after each update is complete.
           As for the greedy prices on Albatross18 take a look at the various prices presented in Pangya KR listed in the picture below. Players would never even think about selling for those prices in albatross. I know many albatross players are having a hard time just getting someone to talk about a rare let alone sell one. These 100kk plus items being sold on alba is rediculous. Hopefully the various players without this amount of pang will sooner or later overcome this damage and return alba prices the way they were before the greed. For more information on Pangya KR and Lost Seaway, please visit our new page Korean Adventure, and for more information on Pangya JP pleae visit Keichi's Bunker. Thanks and have a great new Week!

Albatross18 information: collected and discussed by Rain and Pugzy.
KR Pictures: took in-game on Pangya Korea


After everything that has happened, Pugzy and I will not give up and decided to do another podcast. This podcast as mention is based off the podcast by IntoTheRough.com. We appologize for the argument we had and wish to say that all the pictures, content and setup of this page are found on the game sites linked on the sidebar, google images, keimichi tenshi productions for japan updates and from in-game. Thank you and enjoy the podcast!
-Rain and Pugzy

Albatross18 received new clothes in the shop for Kaz, Max, Arin and accessories for kooh. Each of these items are woth pang except for Koohs hairdrop accessories. Also, those gift boxes have flew the coup and in comes 2 full weeks of double pang and double experience. This was a reasonable switch although, many of us were wanting to discover what we could get in the boxes we all won.... oh well Thanks OGPlanet!

As others have posted before, and thanks to my friend Keimichi, we are proud to announce that the Japanese version of Pangya Portable for the psp will be coming out late March- early April. The game includes the original Japanese lyrics for Fly Away and Starlight as well as the addition of the new psp character Cien. Hopefully we will be getting some videos from Keichi once the game comes out. Maybe be in the near future we can find out when the game will be comming to the US. Please check out our friend Keis new japan and game blog site at Keichi's Bunker. The link to his site is posted on the sidebar. Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Clothes pictures: brought to you by Rain (in-game on Albatross18)
Psp picture: from the japan psp website
Information found at: OGPlanet.com, japan pangya portable website, and Keimichi Tenshi Productions


Hey guys my friend Pugzy and I decided to create a podcast for Pangya Nation called The 18th Hole. We will try to create a podcast for every update to go along with the information posted here. Please feel free to comment on how our mixture of sounds and information were to create this first podcast. Visit The 18th Hole Podcast page on the site to learn more on how we created the podcast and if you would like to air as a special guest on the show. Thanks and Enjoy our Podcast!
-RAIN & Pugzy