So I logged on with some of my other Ntreev accounts just to see if I could stir up enough to pull a GM out of his slumber and sure enough there came Loki (and Takeda for a bit). Not only did they pull some bs on me but they did on other players in the lobby as well. Ntreev has told us to speak up our opinions but look what happens when we do... The following after the break is (what I tried to get it all) the chat I had with GM_Loki today on an alternate(s) account...

We the Players of Pangya USA, in Order to form an Angry Mob to Destory Ntreev, establish Justice, insure they forever rot, provide for the common prices of online games, promote the general stupidity of this company, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our fellow online gamers, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Now Banned Players of Pangya whom did nothing against Ntreev.

There you have it.. our very own Constitution towards Pangya! This is all due to MANY of us dedicated players logging in after last night's maintenance to discover the following message from our friendly neighborhood assholes at Ntreev...

Let me first state... that yes MANY if not ALL of us have sent a 1:1 report to Ntreev about our accounts.. and nothing has been done! Also due note that many of us whom were banned have either been hacked before or have no idea why we were banned last evening. However, the most wonderful thing about this is the fact that Ntreev just lost about 75% if not more of their BEST customers! I myself have spent probably well over $3,000 (just as a minimum) of money on Pangya with my main account RaiN(<3). Since Ntreev took over I would say I have spent roughly around $700-$800 dollars so far (considering I was away from Pangya alot due to internet issues). I have been playing Pangya since Season 2 and so have many of the other great players seen banned last night. Some of which have been with Pangya since the very beginning Season 1 Beta!

Lets begin by stating OGP.. We miss you dearly! Ntreev has done nothing but fuck up the Community! More hackers are on Ntreev, more people dont get help when sending a 1:1 about things.. not to mention you go ahead and let the fucking non-english people have their own god damn server.. which by the way Ntreev.. THEY ARE STILL IN OUR ENGLISH SERVERS EVERY FREAKING DAY!!!
First you take away our shops.. so many of us have items we never use in our rooms in game. Also on this note... EVERY and I mean EVERY server besides us is able to sell or "trade" items in some way.. ALL ITEMS not  just Pang ones. Korea and Japan are the original creators of Pangya... and they allow us to trade the "ecard/gatcha" items as well as pang ones. I played Gatcha and ecard both and recieved items for players like Nuri, Azer and Max, whom I never play as! Some players spend thousands to get a rare.. and they don't even get one that they want or can use? So what does this do. well the item  just sits in their account rotting, while other players in the game may want to use it or need it. I don't think your "not having shops" has anything to do with bugs or whatnot.. it has to do with the fact that you are GREEDY AS FUCK! Hence we dub you the name NGreed from now on! You want players to keep spending more and more money to recieve the item they want. Just like I spent TONS of money on the Fantasy and Snowflower sets to receive Hana's. So you know what NGreed.. Fuck you! I hope you are happy that you lost players like myself and others whom have given you so much money. From your 300 point ticker to your $69.00 fucking rune wings... you are going to loose a ton of your profit! Haha Bitches!

Moving on... NGreed has spent little time insuring the game has safety for all players! We have players coming in with 400y drive, 0m wind, pang hacks, ticker hacks(LMAO), and oh yeah let us not forget the infamous GM_Ranoldo... aka GM_Hacker! NGreed will never be able to keep away the precious onlookers from sites such as Gamerzplanet.net, FlyCheats, or CheatsBrazil from hacking them until they update their fucking game guard like Korea and Japan has... Has anyone noticed that Korea and Japan have no incidents of hackers, scammers, or whatnot?.. I don't think so and this is because they really actually CARE!! All NGreed wants is our money and to talk about having girls over at their houses (which yes the GMs have stated this in the lobby). If the GM's really cared.. why don't they implement the Guild system? Hmmmm? It appears they like guilds considering they talk bout them in the Forums. Why don't they make them happen? They claim they have other issues to deal with... but Look at GOA! They went from getting season 3 to season 4 in no less than 4 months! And Holy McMuffins Batman Look!... they have guilds, and the ability to trade everything, plus no "emergency maintenances" because some idiot fucked up the patch!
Hows about you actually ban the hackers whom have like 40k on Ice Spa with +32 or the rookie's whom went straight to National Pros? Why don't you just start picking random names out of a fucking hat and ban those people whom you pull their names out why dontcha!!? That should make everyone feel great! All the loyal players who spend money with you and speak english and follow the rules and love the game.. yeah lets just go pull their names out now. Doesn't that sound like a plan? And for those of you who read this and say aww what a baby she's crying because she got caught you all can go fuck yourselves because I am a dedicated player and love pangya and do my part to keep the game great. Oh and btw if you are thinking that.. watch out because your name might be bulled out next time NGreed decides to do another round of BANGO!

To all of you GM Leg-Humpers as a wonderful friend of mine put it.. think about what you are really supporting...
  • BR Hackers/ Spammers
  • 1:1 Support Fail
  • Greedy Bastards
  • People who ban good players
  • Bugged Shit
  • Almost Non-caring GMs
  • 69's (LMAO)
  • No Guilds
  • No Selling Items
  • $30.00 Gatcha Coins(That don't earn you shit)
  • 300 point ticker (Way too much for a message to appear 1 time)
  • Low Scratchy/ Papel rates (Win a rare in 2,000 turns!)
  • A Fake Toothbrush (lol Dr. Tran)
  • Bugged Events
  • 18 hour maintenances (LOL!)
To conclude my long ass Constitution as well as the thoughts of many players.. Thanks to everyone who supports the site and our causes. I am sorry for everyone whom was banned so ignorantly like myself and my friends. I love all of you and hope you find more luck in whatever it is you will do in the future. Now it is time for me and others to go check out what gamerzplanet has to offer.

       Thus lastly, I would like to Say, "Hello NGreed! Are you ready for some Real Hackers now?!"
Well, after the long wait, another motion item has arrived! This time around it is Max's MotorBike The GT Bike aka... The Speed Demon! This bike comes in 3 different colors (red, black, and grey) and will allow max to get on and off the courses in style! Just like all other motion items, Max's will now be available in the shop for points.

Why don't we end Christmas out with a nice fail list on Ntreev's part.. Many of these things have been bothering players and I hope that this kind of stupidity will stop in the future...The list after the Break.

From all of us here at Pangya Nation to you..
Have a Very Merry Christmas!!

      Well there's only one thing different from this maintenance besides having players being banned for stupid reasons again. This time around Ntreev is involving a Game+Site event. For this event, each game you log into pangya, you receive 1 die. For every hour you are online, you receive 5 dice. These dice allow you the chance to roll for prizes on Ntreev website's Treasure Hunt Page. You are limited to only 6 dice per day. The prizes for this event will be both in-game items and real life items, which are listed in the pictures after the break. Just log into your account on the Ntreev website to be able to play. I seriously doubt the real prizes, being ipods and ect will be easy to win.. so Good Luck Everyone! More news to be posted later folks!

  After thousands of hours of seeing spam tickers to visit the hack site: www.flycheats.com.br (or some shit like that) from the player FlyCheats(star)... the GM's Finally awoke from their long ass slumber and put a stop to the maddness. Rather then just killing the stupid hacker... they killed our ticker *sigh*..  This is too bad for those who like to use it for good purposes. The ticker can be quite useful at times... but that shit just had to stop. Between occupying the ticker, to lagging the game, FlyCheats(star) is probably now the most hated person atm lol. 
So.. as I was playing.. I finally saw a GM post saying the ticker would be unavailable for use until further notice. So if you are wondering why you cannot ticker something.. this is why. All I can say is thank god for no more spam (:P).

Sorry this post took a while and it's super packed with goodies so....Merry Christmas! This post involves all the updates since the switch to season 4... just to get you all caught up on the action of Pangya EU.

JAPAN: Kabooom! "OMG what was that?!" IT'S KOOH!! Kooh's motion item is finally here and playable at last! Seems that this giant bomb is used to roll kooh onto the tee to start the game. Wonder what happens if it blows up while shes on it? xD Lucia's car however seems to still be missing. Perhaps we will be seeing the Pop diva's sports car after the first of the year?
Video courtesy of KeimichiTenshi(Kei) and Pangya JP

       Just as it seemed Ntreev was on our side sticking to the rules they set down.. they go and do this to us. Beginning with their "English Only" aspect.. NOT ANY MORE! Ntreev just declared that they are officially making Titan Boo a BR ONLY server! So now they can sit in there and speak whatever the hell it is they say when writing SERA!!!? and Nike HIO!! Although I must say that this is somewhat nice to get the BR's away from the rest of us... but seriously Ntreev, why stoop to their level? You have been gracious enough to put up with them from the beginning stating English only when we all sure as hell know they don't even attempt to speak english. I had almost had it with one coming up to me in every lounge asking BR?! BR!?? All I can say is I hope you know what the hell you are doing and that this new Titan Boo(BR) server will keep them the hell out of our English servers! If they want to play with English speaking players now.. they better damn well speak English or I know I for one will report them all one by one if I have to. My friends and I as well as many other players have had enough of them not speaking English already.