
Well well just like Korea, the US server will receive swimsuits for summer as well. There are swimsuits for Kooh, Arin, Cecilia, Hana and Lucia. These swimsuits will be available in the shop until August 12th. They are purchased using points and if I may say so look stunning. The swimsuit sets for Lucia are the US server's first new-release Lucia items, rather than those from the S4 trailer! What a cute and fun way to spend the summer. The swimsuits available are shown below.


That's right everyone starting yesterday a hacker, now identifying his/herself as hotgila found their way into the pangya database. Not only did they go against the rules of pangya, but they also cause massive panic throughout the lobbies. Their ultimate task.. become and host events as a fake GM! Everyone and their mom were shouting, GM Event?! in the lobbies today, only given the reply the GMs are Fake! They opened a total of 3 Event Rooms in Black Papel, and 2 in Titan Boo servers. Not to mention each of these rooms could hold a giant maximum of 150 players each.. thats over 750 players! I will also mention their room names were very creative..NOT!


Korea will be releasing their 35th ecard, which just happens to be the 3rd swimsuit release throughout the pangya ecard system. These swimsuits are available for  Hana, Arin, Max, Azer, and Lucia.


That's right after the long wait Season 4 Delight is coming to the US Server... FINALLY! Although after the continuous prices in Ntreev im not sure how many players will be here to see it. They will be starting maintenance on July 8th and will take 24 hours to complete. Everyone is excited for their chance to play as the pop diva however it may be quite boring seeing as almost everyone and their mother will be playing as Lucia. Oh well it will be nice to finally have S4 and Lost Seaway(which to me is already boring due to Thai but hey its still fun). Well here is the message from Ntreev.
 We are very close to start Season 4 maintenance very soon. We are chipping away on going through the final preparation for the maintenance. We expect approximately 24 hours for the maintenance to complete. When we do have determined the starting time, an in-game notice will go out at least an hour in advance and this announcement will be updated as well. Please note, everything is subject to change. Season 4 is soon. Stay tuned!
Well that would be it for this update. See you all in Season 4 ~nya