          It has now officially been six months since I quit Pangya USA and got away from the stupidity of NGreed and the Brazilian Hackers... and I can honestly say THANK GOD I'm not playing anymore!! No matter how long it has been, the harsh remembrance of the money and time I wasted on NGreed's Version of Pangya just makes me sick. Don't get me wrong, I loved playing with all my great friends, and meeting new and friendly people, but the bull shit that went on the last few months of my playing was ridiculous. A few friends and I started playing Shot Online from Game Campus.. and we have more fun playing that than we ever did on NGreed USA Pangya. I do miss the cute anime-ish characters, but I do NOT in the least miss having to pay to get good items and clubs. With Shot Online, Geico's motto of fifteen percent or more totally works!
         If anyone is interested... I usually only spend my time online on MyAnimeList.net. I do not play any online games except for the occasional log-in to Shot Online. DDR, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Zelda TW, Tomb Raider, and Bioshock on actual game consuls take up my gaming time. Because of what NGreed did to myself and my credit... I refuse to EVER play another online game again... unless I create my own private server (which a friend and I are working on for pangya right now). I HATE wasting my money more than ever before... and NGreed just took my money and ran.
        I know that my friends and I are not the only ones who quit NGreed's Pangya either... Considering almost every blog about pangya is never updated nor spoke of anymore. The people who make Youtube vids... are never heard from again.
My point in posting this is to message those people who are still being GM Leg Humpers at NGreed... and are still wasting money for overpriced stuff that they may loose at any time. If you want to play Pangya, go to GOA, don't waste your time with NGreed.. Or go play Shot Online even. Or even better still... stick to consul games :D... They Never Let You Down.
If you would like to still talk with me.. I can still be sometimes found on my youtube account LittleMissReality.

- The Girl previously Known As RAIN (yes I don't use my pangya nickname anymore)